PJSC "KALUGA TURBINE WORKS" is one of the largest manufacturers of power production equipment in Russia. Production program includes steam turbines for actuating electric generators, drive steam turbines, block-type turbogenerators, steam geothermal turbines, and electrical power units. Over its 72-year history, KTW has acquired reach technical experience and knowledge, based on which more than three thousand units of power equipment were designed and manufactured. Original turbine design, reliable and efficient execution, long service life of the equipment allow us to meet the specific requirements of our customers. The total capacity of power installations supplied to the Russian Federation regions and 42 countries of near and far abroad is more than 20 GW.
Structural features of turbines design equal treatment of shareholders
Designers of SDB (special design bureau), organized during the first years of the enterprise's operation, created "their own" power plants. The accumulated design experience was constantly supplemented by new original technical solutions that distinguish Kaluga turbines from those developed by other design teams, both in our country and abroad. A distinctive feature of Kaluga turbines with a capacity of up to 35 MW is the combination of the front thrust and radial bearing with the main oil control pump. The impeller wheel of the pump, made in conjunction with the turbine shaft, is at the same time the collar of the thrust and radial bearing.
Fitted on flat discs are manufactured without hubs, which significantly reduces their axial dimensions. Before being fitted on the shaft, they undergo autofrettage, the special treatment, which allows to increase the tension value without loss in reliability. Steam inlet is carried-out by stop-valves and control valve mechanism controlled by a lever device that receives movement from the servo motor of the control system through the speed controller.
Steam distribution of medium and low pressure parts in condensing turbines is carried out by a rotary diaphragm, the operating element of which consists of corresponding servomotors and controlling element consists of production and heat extraction regulators. Single-pump hydrodynamic control system. It has great reliability and stability, adapted for receiving electrical control and correction signals.
One of the specific features of PJSC “Kaluga Turbine Works” is the existence of its own design bureau, which comprises the foremost experts of Russia in the field of turbine engineering. Their experience and the computer-aided design system allow us to develop a world-class product with the desired parameters within the shortest time possible. Their efforts have formed a unique research base and scientific school of Kaluga Turbine Works, which is known in Russia and other countries.
Doctors and candidates of engineering sciences work in the research, development, experimental, and design center (RDEDC) and at the plant, leading all the most important areas of work on finding optimal design options.
RDEDC consists of 10 laboratories. Among them:
- Thermophysics Laboratory
- Laboratory of Pumps
- Structural Laboratory
- Regulation Laboratory
- Turbomechanical Laboratory
- Fluid and gas dynamics Laboratory
- Others.
The production structure of PJSC “KTW” is unique in its capabilities:
- The metallurgical production includes foundry, mold-making and forging shops, heat treatment sites.
- Oxygen, plasma and laser cutting of metals are widely used in the blank production.
- All types of welding are used in welding production, but the most common is electron beam welding with a penetration depth of up to 150 mm in one pass.
- Mechanical processing is used in the production of: turbine blades, diaphragms and rotors, turbine housings, gear wheels, heat exchange, and other equipment.
- The operation of turbines with minimal vibrations is ensured by the dynamic balancing of rotors on special stands.
- The assembly of finished products is carried out on special sites, including the assembly of large installations on a special site.
- Tool-making production provides all necessary tooling.
- Before being shipped to the customers, all manufactured products are tested on the stand at the enterprise, including block-type turbogenerator units with capacity up to 4 MW which are tested under load.
- Transportation of large assemblies is carried out by water on special tow boats to different regions.