Developing and improving the quality management system certified for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, the Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and additional requirements of GOST RV 0015-002-2012, PJSC "KTW" ensures its ability to manufacture products that meet the consumers demands.

The reliability and quality of manufactured turbine-units have always been the focus of our plant's specialists attention, and since 1989 the works started on the implementation of a comprehensive quality management system. As a result of this work, in 1995 our Quality Assurance System was certified for compliance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001-94. Kaluga Turbine Works became one of the first enterprises in Russia with such a certificate.
In 1996 PJSC "KTW" took part in competition of International Quality Association (IO "SovAsQ") in the category "Development and operation of Quality Assurance Systems", won and was granted an award "Crystal Pyramid of Quality".
In the same year the Union for Certification of Quality Systems "Oboroncertifika" issued PJSC "Kaluga Turbine Works" Certificate of Conformity No. 1 - the first among the manufacturers of defense equipment.
In 2003 PJSC "KTW" Quality Management System was certified by the International body TUV CERT for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001-2000 and by the Union for certification of Quality Systems "Oboroncertifika" for compliance with the requirements of Russian GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and military standard GOST RV 15.002-2003.
In 2006, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin awarded a Commendation to PJSC "KTW" "For merits in the development of domestic industry", number 340-рп dated 20.07.2006.
In 2007, PJSC "KTW" took part in the competition for the government award in the Kaluga region in the field of quality and was awarded with a diploma and First Degree Cup.
In 2012, Quality Systems Certification body of the Certification Association "RUSSIAN REGISTER" issued PJSC "KTW" QUALTY CERTIFICATES for compliance with the requirements of the International standard ISO 9001:2008, Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001-2011 and Military standard GOST RV 0015-002-2012. Compliance of the implemented Quality Assurance System with international standards is regularly reaffirmed.
In 2013, the Central Body of the Voluntary Certification System "MILITARY REGISTER" awarded the Quality Service of PJSC "KTW" with a diploma "For Achievements in Ensuring High Efficiency of the Company's Quality Management System".
Since 2017 Quality Systems Certification body of the Certification Association "RUSSIAN REGISTER" has carried out a certification of PJSC "KTW" for compliance with the new requirements of International standard ISO 9001:2015, Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and additional requirements of GOST RV 0015-002-2012. Appropriate QUALITY CERTIFICATES have been issued.
In 2018, at the International conference "Management of the organization. Achieving sustainable success" PJSC "KTW" was awarded of a commemorative certificate "For effective implementation of the sustainable development concept into management practice and use of the modern management principles".
In 2018, PJSC "KTW" successfully passed 1 compliance audit to affirm certificates according to new requirements of International standard ISO 9001:2015, Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and additional requirements of GOST RV 0015-002-2012.
Experience of participation in international tender trades shows that the products of the Open Joint Stock Company "Kaluga Turbine Works" correspond to the level of foreign and domestic manufacturers of similar products and meets the requirements for technical parameters of both Russian and foreign customers.