01 december 2020
Kaluga Turbine Works (KTZ) has manufactured and shipped a P-12-3.4/0.1 type turbine for Gubkinskaya CHPP (part of PJSC QUADRA, Belgorod region). The product was supplied as part of the CHPP reconstruction program and is intended to drive the electric generator and to supply steam for supplying the heat to the Gubkinsky urban district.
The 12 MW turbine is equipped with an accelerated cooling system and quick-detachable reusable thermal insulation. Up-to-date control system will ensure high efficiency of the product. The new top cylinder cover lifter will speed up machine service during repairs.
During the development and the release stage of the documentation, the designers of KTZ developed a 3D turbine model which improved the manufacturing procedures. The turbine has passed successful steam tests at the manufacturer's test rig with subsequent inspection of the wheel space part and main components.
According to the contract, KTZ supplied a turbine with auxiliary equipment: an oil tank, heat exchange equipment, in-turbine pipelines, a set of special tools and accessories for installation, a set of spare parts for the first overhaul.
Gubkinskaya CHPP is a large enterprise, consisting of 10 divisions (workshops). Installed electric capacity of the heating plant is 29 MW, heat capacity is 148 Gcal/h.